Sigma Sigma Sigma was founded by a group of eight women and they set out to establish a sisterhood based on the bond of friendship. Their mission is to establish among its members a perpetual bond of friendship, to develop in them strong womanly character, and to impress upon them high standards of conduct. The Robbie Page Memorial Fund and March of Dimes share a common history. The Robbie Page Memorial Fund became Tri Sigma’s first national philanthropy in 1954 because of Robbie Page, the son of the Tri Sigma National President (Mary Hastings), passing away at the age of five of bulbar polio. Then Tri Sigma welcomed March of Dimes as their only philanthropic partner at their 2016 Convention. Partnering with March of Dimes allows the sorority to continue to honor Robbie’s wish of serving children.
The March of Dimes and Tri Sigma collaborate to give members the opportunity to engage together in their local communities for a common cause through volunteerism. The women of Tri Sigma will work together to help build mission awareness in the communities they serve. March of Dimes supports the sorority’s goals by working closely with their foundation.
Tri Sigma Links To Get Involved
- Register for March of Dimes Advocacy Action Alerts
- Join a Tri Sigma March for Babies Team
- Use this form for offline donations: Tri Sigma Donation Form 2023
- Volunteer for March of Dimes
- Connect with your local March of Dimes Market about leadership opportunities
March of Dimes Staff Partner
Carole Fell – Director, Volunteer Leadership Development
Email: cfell@marchofdimes.org
Phone: 571-351-5996