“Our volunteers, partners and supporters truly are the heart of March of Dimes and a powerful reason why our future can be filled with healthy moms and strong babies.” –Stacey D. Stewart, March of Dimes President and CEO
“Thank YOU for all you do to fight for moms and babies. We look forward to working together to align for future success in the fight for the health of all moms and babies.” –Steve Farbstein, Chair, National Volunteer Leadership Council
To better position March of Dimes in an ever-changing philanthropic landscape, our mission work must align more closely with our revenue development in markets to drive impact, growth and movement in 2020 and beyond. To do that, we need to build strong integrated volunteer and staff teams at the market level who can focus on connecting donors with our work while also meeting the needs of their communities.
Leading this integration work will require the support of our Market Boards, Maternal and Child Health, and Advocacy and Government Affairs volunteer leaders. As we plan for the future, we’re also working with multiple volunteer groups, including our Board of Trustees, the National Volunteer Leadership Council, as well as a representative group of local market board and MCH committee members.
Our greatest asset has been our staff and volunteers’ willingness to put the needs of others before their own. Now is the chance for all of us to step up, grow individually and evolve as an organization. And we all play a part in making this new ecosystem work.
The reason for the change is simple. It’s not fine that a growing number of babies are being born prematurely, and that we’re losing moms and babies every day. Together we can fight for their health and make the future brighter for us all.
Because the staff and volunteer operations and structure to support the new operating model is evolving, we want to ensure ongoing communication with you during this time of transition. Return here regularly for updates to the operating model.
Tips for using this information: Review and share this information with your fellow Market Boards, Maternal and Child Health, and Advocacy and Government Affairs Committees.
Additional Resources: If you want more real-time March of Dimes information and interaction, join our Volunteer Hub community at volunteerhub.marchofdimes.org/member. The Volunteer Hub is a community where volunteer leaders can go 24/7 to find the latest March of Dimes news, mission highlights, and resources.
To learn more, contact Megan Walker, Chief Volunteer Officer
mwalker@marchodimes.org or call 571-257-2311
Updated: January 2020